

I was continuing my search for interviewees for my thesis when I found this profile from a 20-year-old San Jose woman

iM nIce...& fHuN-2-b-wIt... i LuV tO daNz aNd paRtY... aNd i LuV fOodz...i LuV tO eAt..hehe!!! i LyK tO haNg-oUt wIt maH fweNdz aT the MaLL... i dNt LyK baCkStaBbeRS...aNd i h8 ghUyz hu chEAtz oN ghUrlz... aNd LyK haViN new fWeNdz...i thiNk daTs oL i caN saY bOut mHe...u ghUyz jUzt add mHe uP if u wUnt heReS maH aDdy:

Man oh man. Any linguistics scholars out there want to make a thesis of this?


Ben said...

Where can I meet more girls like that? I've only ever dated girls with good English skills and operational caps lock keys on their keyboards. Would be interesting to see this other side of the world.

James said...

Hey Van, I don't know if you've checked out myspace.com to find more asian import models. Or check out my newly created profile I created today. I got kinda bored at work, and have almost alot of import models as friends. :)

James said...

Doh, there goes my engrish...