
fresh blogs

Is it me or has there been a blogging drought lately? You folks seem to be blogging less and less frequently and I crave fresh blogs to distract me from the dullness that is life lately. I have to admit I'm also guilty of blog neglect but my life just hasn't been all that interesting. Hardly even any library drama to report. Today I slept in until 11am because I've had all these cold symptoms the last two days - scratchy throat, cough, stuffy nose - yet I'm not feeling the associated headache and fatigue which leads me to believe that I'm not actually sick but need the 10 hours sleep to allow my body to rid itself of whatever was causing the symptoms.

So anyways, I just finished watching a show called Gone Without a Trace or something like that. booooring. So I jumped back on my laptop and decided to delete some links to blogs I no longer read because I grew tired of them or they never get updated anymore. Then I started checking out other people's links to troll for new blogs to add to my reading list. Not much luck so far but I realized what I look for in a good blog. It has to:

- be relatively well written and intelligent (grammatical mistakes really get to me)
- include bits of sarcasm, ample amounts of cynicism, and a little dry humor
- be speckled with some honest to goodness, straight from the heart bitching and complaining about the little things that make life a bitch (these really warm my heart, I don't know why)
- get personal (ie not a review of electronics or sports highlights)
- generally be written by people over 26
- not be all about your new baby or significant other (sorry, just too nauseating for me)
- not be a transparent display of your wealth of knowledge on [insert subject]

Recommend any new blogs for me to develop an addiction to?


head dump said...

I'm about to blog and thought I'd scope around a bit before I start mine. I havne't had much to write about lately because my life has been rather boring. Then I hope to find excitement in other peoples blogs and NOTHING. and I wonder if their life is just as stagnant as mine.

Thoughts said...

Yah I noticed the same thing...I've finally started to blog again...and I guess since I'm sitting around doing nothing I have all the time in the world to do it but not much to blog about...my last entry is a good bitch session though!

egan said...

Van, let's say the reason is it's summer. I have noticed blogs sitting for awhile without updates also. I hope people are getting outside more instead of sitting in front of the computer. Who knows though and I have noticed this too.

Ben said...

Fine. I get what you guys are saying. Fine. Your blogs all suck too, then. So there.