
take my remains

Yesterday was my jumping through hoops day. I have to do a bunch of stupid shit in order to register for classes as an international student. The main thing was getting a fax from Blue Cross to prove I have health insurance. It took me two calls to Blue Cross for the idiots to finally fax the thing over last wee. Anyways, I lined up to submit that and the lady tells me a little known fact - I need to buy additional insurance in order to register. I'm thinking, I pay $83 a month which is already inflated cuz having a stupid inhaler jacked up my rate like $6 a month. What more do I need. Well I forgot that SFState or INS, not sure which, requires I pay another $18/semester for repatriation insurance. Basically paying for people to collect my remains in case I decide to off myself or get run over by a truck at the corner of 19th and Holloway where everyone else seems to get run over. So I had to leave the office, go buy the insurance online, print the thing out, and line up again to get my approval to register. Pain in the ass I tell you!

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