

Another post that looks like a list because that's the only way I can think lately. So in the last 6-8 weeks, I:
  • read 6 books cover to cover
  • watched 2 of my fellow grad students perform at a bar in Ballard
  • hung out with a friend visiting from Whitehorse, Yukon territory
  • submitted a long-ass proposal for a Social Science Research Council grant
  • took a day-long digital SLR photography class
  • bought my friend's daughter an Asian ragdoll for her 1st birthday
  • dealt with the unwanted fame and hate mail that erupted after getting voted to #1 on digg.com
  • organized a graduate student brown bag session on preparing for general exams
  • planned a going away get together for my roommate who moved to Maui
  • found a new apartment
  • "celebrated" my 32nd birthday with my Vancouver and Seattle friends
  • found out that my "need" to sleep up to 14 hours (including naps), lethargy, 5 lb weight gain, anti-social behavior, negative attitude, hating of my life, inability to move for long periods of time, and incessant desire to eat entire bags of chips/cheese popcorn is due to seasonal affective disorder as diagnosed by my psych
  • bought 5000 lux lamp to deal with said disorder before I annoy the hell out of K who tries very hard to help with bear hugs and stern orders to go outside to get some light
  • gave notice to move out of my apartment in Lake Shitty
  • booked a Budget-rent-a-truck
  • started planning for K's birthday party
  • hung out at Harborview Medical Center's ER for over 3 hours after K crashed at 30mph 200m from the finish line in his first road race of the season, a race in which he would've finished top 10 out of many competitors, damn (diagnosis: separated shoulder and not a broken collarbone as in his last crash though his teammate in the same pile up did break his collarbone and has bone fragment floating about)
  • moved back into my old room where there is less space but more natural light
  • drove 30 miles to Maple Valley to pick up a lovely used green 14" Kona Lavadome to use as a commuter bike once I move
  • submitted my application to teach across the street in Ethnic Studies to diversify my teaching experience
  • wrote one letter of rec for an undergrad applying to law school
  • finished taking all the classes I need to take for my Ph.D.
  • registered to do directed readings next quarter to prepare for exams
  • booked my flight to Chicago for April
  • RSVP'd to attend my friend's wedding
I'm actually not sure myself how all that happened in such a short span of time. So now I'm in end-of-quarter hell: 11 days to write 2 papers, and then another week or so to write my paper for the Association of Asian American studies conference. In other words, no real spring break for me as I'll be working on that third paper and packing up to move. Man I miss blogging. I think I'll still make time to write here and there in the next few weeks as a distraction if nothing else.

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