
mystery solved

OK so you know how I thought I was accidentally included on a distribution list run by some chick who excessively uses lame emoticons and says all sorts of cheesey and/or annoying shit e.g. her signature which reads "Think BIG. STRETCH your vision. Be all you CAN BE. TREAT others like you want to be treated." Could you be any more cliche?? Holy cow, how nauseating.

Turns out it was no accident that I'm on this email list. She decided to list her IM handle on her signatures yesterday and I recognized it immediately. This is the woman who put up a post for housing in Seattle that she was renting out in August. The place for rent was not what I was looking for but this bitch used my email address to add me to her Yahoo IM and would not stop harrassing me about coming to her house, being best friends forever, bla bla bla so she could tell me more about this great opportunity with W0rld Financial Group. I am not into bullshit get rich schemes especially those that involve annoying the hell out of all your friends and family and then using their social networks to piss off all their friends too. I immediately put her on my blocked users list so I guess her way to get at me was through this email distribution. Caitlin needs to get the fuck out of my life now.

Update: I just emailed her to tell her to get me off her list and the crazy lady has an autoresponse set up that reads:
If you don't see my response to your mail immediately...please be patience
with me. Please rest assured that I will answer your mailpromptly when I
get a computer access. You are the best! Smiles ;0)


Robyn said...

oh my god. i feel your pain. it seems like that should be illegal somehow. you know you gave her your info for one purpose, and she uses it for another. i guess it's just socially asshole-ish.

Anonymous said...

I was once hounded by a guy I met on an airplane about a pyramid scheme. He tricked me into giving him my card and he kept calling me week after week. Ugh!

Also: "please be patience with me... Be patience with me? She be need grammar checker on turned.

.:missy:. said...

whoa. she sounds a little "special." and like she could totally become a stalker at any moment.
