

I had a very busy and very fun weekend so I'll have to write this post in point form so I can catch up on my reading.
Thursday -- Simon and Denny arrived from SF and we headed out to 80s night at a club in Capitol Hill and it was AWESOME
Friday -- Extreme sleep deprivation. Solid and fun day of teaching where we dealt with Eurocentrism, Whiteness, and issues of Asian Americans and agency in film. Happy hour with my grad school friends at Finn MacCools where fish and chips were $3.95
Saturday -- Not enough sleep again. Met up with Laura and Phill for snowboarding at Snoqualmie. Taught two newbies how to turn and later how to link turns. Not very strenuous for me but I was happy just to get up to the mountains. Late lunch at Tamarind Tree (very good). Many friends and my cousin came down from Vancouver to meet up with us. We had dinner at B&O Espresso where service was ridiculously slow. Drinks at Metropolitan something or other where PBRs were 25 cents after 11pm. Played Wii until the wee hours at my friend's house
Sunday -- Lunch at Rocking Wok at an impossible to find location in Wallingford. Said goodbye to friends as they headed back to Vancouver
Monday -- Detox and recovery. Simon went home.

Snowed again today but that's okay because I have Tuesdays off to read, grade, and prep lesson plans. Revived WearingRacism blog. Need to go to bed early tonight and try this early morning thing again tomorrow. Wish me luck.

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