
This is a long post but it is my last Toastmasters speech which I delivered on Wednesday night and I kinda had a fun time writing it so I thought I'd share:

As far back as 1993, 98% of U.S. households owned at least one TV set, 64% had two or more TVs. Children in America watch an average of three hours of television programs a day. This does not include other uses of the TV, like movies and video games. In total it is estimated that children spend about the same number of hours in front of the television as they do at school.

One could say then that children learn as much from television then as they do from school. This is highly problematic, not just for children but for adults as well.

Now, if I learned everything I know about the world from television alone, I would be inclined to believe that
families come complete with two children and a supportive mother and father
I'd believe that problems within the family can be solved in a mere 30 minutes, minus commercials and that non-traditional families such as single parent or divorced families are completely and 100% dysfunctional

If I learned everything I know about the world from television alone, I would be inclined to believe that people don't work that hard to make a living and that one can actually afford to live in a Manhattan apartment on the income of a struggling actor or masseuse
I'd believe that everyone is happily employed and that poverty is not an issue in this country
But I'd believe that every other country outside of the US is a third world country

If I learned everything I know about the world from television alone, I would be inclined to believe that violence, aggression and other anti-social behaviors can be carried out without negative consequence and might even be rewarded
I'd believe that there is a constant threat of a terrorist attack or violent crime, even in my neighborhood
I'd believe the police are always impartial, always on my side and never abuse their power

If I learned everything I know about the world from television alone, I would be inclined to believe that men are stronger and wiser than women, women are slyer than men and gay men are better than anybody at choosing your wardrobe.
I'd believe that lesbians are angry and trans-sexuals are just plain crazy
I'd believe that sex = power, even for high ranking women

If I learned everything I know about the world from television alone, I would be inclined to believe that Asian women are conniving or erotic, Black men are funny, Native Indians are slow and primitive, Middle Eastern men are terrorists and Asian men never get the girl.
I'd believe that white=default, that Caucasians are more trustworthy and racism is a non-issue
I'd believe that people with physical or mental disabilities simply don?t exist

If I learned everything I know about the world from television alone, I would be inclined to believe that the ideal body includes buns of steel and 6 pack abs, and that nothing is more shameful than gray hair, body hair, stretch marks, blemishes, wrinkles and, God forbid, erectile dysfunction!
HOWEVER, I'd also believe that there is a product out there that I can buy to solve any issues I have with my body

Like it or not, television is a source of socialization for viewers of all ages. It influences the way we think, act and how feel about the world.

You must remember that television does NOT equal reality.

Don't let the commerce-driven agenda of TV networks and advertisers distort your view of yourself or your world. Spend more time observing the world YOU live in and be critical of what you see on TV.

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