

I haven't posted in a while mostly because school started and chaos set in like the fog over San Francisco. Wow that was one lame analogy. But really, it's been a hell of a ride. Back to my schedule of tutoring 4 students 2x a week each, running the writing lab at school 5 hours a week (I heard students think of writing lab as punishment and hate it and thus hate me by association, how uplifting), running my Toastmasters club, working on my thesis, applying to schools, and finally TAing another class. The instructor for that class pulled a no show on me at our scheduled meeting and then arrived to the first class 35 minutes late. I hadn't even met the guy yet. So by then one of the undergrad assistants had gone to the department office to call around for him to make sure he had the right room info and by that time the department chair and last semester's acting chair had caught wind of the situation and come to our classroom to deal with the 75 confused students....and then the instructor ran in. Apparently he had installed something on his computer which set his computer clock back an hour. That shit happens to the best of us. I'm just glad that wasn't me.

So anyways, it's been a busy week and I cannot wait for the long weekend. I've been really bad about going to bed before 2am because I have a stack of things to do on my desk and I cannot resist the tempation to squeeze in a little bit of blog reading and online window shopping. It's gonna be one of those nights. Dammit.

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