

Today was the first full day of beautiful sunshine and warm weather here in the Vancouver area in about a month but I didn't leave the house. Most of my friends have regular jobs and the one who works from home is about 45 min away so I had no one to call out for a hike or a walk through a park someplace. Actually, freakin everything is about 45 min away since my parents live out here in the sticks outside Vancouver proper and I am way too lazy to do 45 min of mostly stop and go city driving (our highway system runs diagonal to the city and gets you basically nowhere). The only thing that gets me down more than shitty rainy weather is nice weather and nothing to do (or, rather, no one to do stuff with). I think that not having ready access to friends to hang out with gets me into a funk, which really scares me because what if I go away for my Phd next year and get stuck someplace where everyday is like this? I think my emotional stability is far too fragile to withstand such a situation. Man, even thinking about the near future is freaking me out. Better hit the sack before this consumes me.


ceaz said...

This site I'm linking is very original. You might actually know the couple. Jason was in my year at UBC and I also went to highschool with him. I didn't go to the wedding but I heard it was just like a Broadway musical with everyone singing. Check out the site and the pics.


Jenn TM said...

yeah, I get lonely sometimes too.
I live way west... and I don't have car so it's really hard to meet up with friends unless its downtown.

fortunately, I live very close to the beach so I just kill my time going for walks and biking around the nearby trails. As long as I'm outside, enjoying the sun, I'm okay.

There's always crafts...