

Being at home at strange hours in the day means I get to watch live press conferences on TV. Right now Bush is speaking (reading) and announcing the replacement for Rumsfeld. Oh my god, he still havsn't learned to pronouce nuclear. Watching him read is so painful. Despite my loathing for him, I can't help but feel a little bit embarrassed for him when he gets behind a lectern. OH man and now the spewing of rhetoric pertaining to enemies hating our freedom. Stop it already. They don't "hate our freedom" they hate you! Why don't people see through this?


egan said...

Van, finally we have seen through it. Americans have spoken and soundly rejected lots of Republican incumbents. I saw through his bullshit in 2000 and 2004. Sucks that it has taken so long to send him a clear message, but now he must know we're not happy with his politics. I can't tell you how excited I am by how well the Democrats did on on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

They do hate our freedom. They hate everything about our way of life. They hate him, but they hate me and you just as much. One day we will consider this war over. They never will. They will keep killing as long as one infidel walks the earth. That is the difference.

Fumbling said...

Oh yes, I totally forgot to say, GO TEAM BLUE! Thanks for the reminder Egan. I have to say I was a bit shocked by the results. I guess it is from years of pessimism. Good job America. I wish I got to vote :(

egan said...

Yesterday restored some faith in our country. It's about time we said enough is enough with this stupid nonsense in Iraq. I hope this does change things. Obviously "staying the course" wasn't working.