
holy shit

Just realized I've had this blog for 7.5 years. What the hell? It's been THAT long? What was I even doing that long ago? I think some of you have been reading since the beginning so you must've seen me through life pre-grad school (and perhaps worse, pre-medication, which includes cannabis I should mention since that is medication too). I dunno. I'm afraid to go back and read those early posts even though I've gone through and taken out any mentions of the then-bf because they make me want to throw up, frankly. How far up my ass WAS my head for those 6 years exactly? Jesus. Anyways. Weird. 7.5 years of ramblings are posted here.


You know you're Chinese when you get your parents front row seats to a live musical performance and your mother complains that you just get dust kicked in your face by the performers. Somebody fucking shoot me. When I was a kid I wished I had those be-friends-with-your-kid type moms. Instead I got judgmental, nitpicky, backseat driver mother. She needs to find a hobby that doesn't involve criticizing other family members or watching Korean soap operas constantly. You know, like having actual interests. See this is why it is bad to be an only child. Children need siblings to confide in/serve as a distraction for/share the pain when parents get annoying/demanding etc.