

I just read a book review and thought, if I got a review like that on something I wrote, I would have a heart attack. This is why I'm beginning to think academia is not for me after all. I'm just not thick skinned enough to deal with shit like this. Here's the review:

"[deleted] is at pains to apply the frameworks of several postmodern cultural theorists (most notably Deleuze’s concept of the control society), but these dips into theory never come across as more than dips. One gets a glimpse of rich theoretical terrain, only to be disappointed by the superficiality of its application to the issue at hand. I suspect that this is more the fault of over-editing than a true lack of engagement with cultural theory on [deleted]’s part, but one almost wishes the theory could have been absent altogether rather than left in as under-developed (and sometimes perplexing) tangents."



I'm running out of it. And I have a lot of writing to do to finish my dissertation by April 15th. Or it might become one of those projects that never gets done. Like cleaning out your desk drawer, or framing photos.


This template is way too fucking cheery. And since this blog is a receptacle for my hostile and/or socially unacceptable thoughts and musings, the template's gonna have to change. But I don't have time right now. Maybe on the weekend, which is full of events that I am obliged to go to, um, so I'm gonna be drunk every night or I'm gonna demonstrate incredible discipline by coming home early to work on my diss, not likely. My diss is full of ridiculous run-on sentences like that one and I'm having to fix them before I finish the conclusion and send this fucker out. 5 more months of this


Got sick of the way my blog looked. I think I designed that thing 6 years ago. So yeah, I changed it up in case any one gives a shit since I update nearly never.

I vow to try harder to document my neuroses here on this blog.



I laugh every single fucking time I read this:
I was deluged with so much hate mail, but none of it was political .. . . It was like, ‘‘Gook, chink, cunt. Go back to your country, go back to your country where you came from, you fat pig. Go back to your country you fat pig, you fat dyke. Go back to your country, fat dyke. Fat dyke fat dyke fat dyke—Jesus saves.’’—Margaret Cho, ‘‘Hate Mail From Bush Supporters’’ (2004)


Winterizing II

  • get lots of failblog and CuteOverload
  • aromatherapy
  • fish oils
  • homeopathic anything I can get my hands on
  • massage therapy
  • Korean spa or other source of steam, sauna, heat
  • get acquainted with my space heater and woolly slippers



I dread winters in the northwest. It doesn't matter that I grew up here, I've never dealt well with it, not since I was in my teens or so when you actually notice things like weather. But since there's nothing I can do about this, I decided to make a plan to prepare for winter. I know it's coming so if I have a plan maybe I will get through it better, with less laying in bed, sleeping in, napping all day, hating my life, complaining, sulking, eating carbs, getting fat, etc etc. So here it is. Here is my plan winterize list. See? Who says I can't be an optimist? :
  • take vitamin D supplements like a mofo
  • use SAD lamp religiously
  • sign up (pre pay) for evening activities like yoga and dance
  • buy cute winter clothes and many pairs of lovely weather proof boots (I rarely shop so this would be a huge treat, I don't care that it is a shallow and consumerist way to deal with my issues, we're talking about my mental health here)
  • also buy lots of cute and technical outdoor workout clothes and work out gadgets so that I'll want to run in the rain (I hope)
  • sign up for a run so I have something to train for
  • not let myself stock up on carbs (which make me fat and slow which makes me hate my life)
  • make lots of soup, I love soup and I make yummy soup
  • try to get up earlier to get more light (this is a hard one, obviously)
So I've started on the supplements, lamp, and of course shopping online to see what's out there. What else to put on the list?